Mayfair Developments Group

Ashley Barlow

Mayfair Developments provides driveway and landscaping services across the South Coast.

"Working with Reza on my pricing has had a direct impact on increasing my company’s profitability. I couldn’t believe how much the theory actually plays out in practice when I started using my new pricing system with customers.”

– Ashley Barlow

Case Study

Ashley Barlow, Managing Director moved accountants to Walji & Co in 2017 as was not getting the business support and advice he needed to grow his business. Although he always had a good pipeline of work, the accounts were showing hardly any profit and cash flow was sporadic meaning that Ashley would often have to prioritise paying his workers over himself.

Ashley was also working long hours, on site in the day and doing customer visits in the evening and spending the nights writing up quotes.

We spoke about the Transforming Your Profits pricing programme which resonated with Ashley. Over the course of 6m we worked with Ashley to develop his own pricing software. This meant he could take his iPad to customer visits and instantly give the customer a quote for their project.

The software took into account the scope of the customer’s project and their preferences in how they would like the project to run together with any extras they may want to add. The customer then receives three prices to choose from. Not only has this method has this resulted in Ashley getting better and higher prices from customers due to being able to highlight the value offered and charge for extras which were previously done for free, but also saved him a huge amount of time in writing up quotations which he doesn’t need to do anymore.

As part of the sales process we worked with Ashley to improve his conversions and the software based approach has enabled him to quickly provide a price in a face to face meeting so he is there to answer any of the customer’s objections. He no longer is a number at the bottom of a page which is compared to someone else’s number.

Since adopting the new pricing process, Ashley’s profitability has increased by 24% and cash flow has been a lot smoother – as he now has the ability to ask customers for full payment in advance in return for a 5% discount.

"Working with Reza on my pricing has had a direct impact on increasing my company’s profitability. I couldn’t believe how much the theory actually plays out in practice when I started using my new pricing system with customers. Putting the buyer in control of the buying process really works! As a result of going through the pricing programme, I have re-structured my business to only work on the lines of business that generate high margin profitability. Without going through this programme I most certainly would still be working long hours competing against those who provided a far inferior level of service that we did and for very little reward. Learning about pricing has simply been life changing."

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